6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid


Are you making any of these social media mistakes!?

Posting without a clear strategy.
Goals, target audience, tactics, competitive analysis, content mix and strategy, stakeholders, and insight tracking/measurement are just a few components to consider.

Failure to identify appropriate channels.
Be selective when choosing which platforms to use. Where is your target audience? Identify those channels and set up shop there.

Lack of interaction.
Don’t set it and forget it. Actively participate in conversations to build a strong relationship with your audience.

Low-key content.
Create content that is worth sharing. When you think about content, always think about the conversation it could create. Is it something your audience would share with their friends and followers?

Fake followers.
Don’t buy followers! Having thousands of followers with very low interaction weakens your brand.

Failure to optimize posts based on insights.
Track everything! Use the insights from your posts to optimize future campaigns and social efforts.

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